Founded in 1938, the Bus Association of New York (BANY) has always fought for the broader interests of bus and motorcoach companies as well as those who depend on our business to make their business thrive. Now, more than ever, BANY needs your participation and your membership commitment.
Our membership has been growing over the last few years and we need to keep the momentum going. This was accomplished by members reaching out to all carriers and associate members and welcoming them to become part of our association. BANY is using all of its resources to support our members and help them to succeed.
BANY remains the voice of the bus and motorcoach operators and those who depend on our business in the State of New York. Our mutual efforts through your membership in BANY assures a strong voice; and that we not only represent the broad interests of the industry… but your interests as well. While many of us are competitors, we must never fail to recognize that only our united efforts can elevate the industry as a whole!
Please contact our office (518.426.3233) with any questions or for any assistance you may need. We look forward to serving you!